Like a Diamond in the Rough, Your Spirit Yearns to Shine
Ciao Bella Leadership teaches you to seek clarity to visualize your full potential. Heather Garner, CPTD, is a spiritual life coach and professional talent coach who believes you have the power to transform your life and realize your beauty, value, and purpose. Heather sees each individual as a perfect, priceless diamond waiting to be discovered and uncovered to illuminate the world. Ciao Bella means Hello, Beautiful; Ciao Bella Leadership invites you on an adventure to beautiful new beginnings.

The Love Leadership Program Guides Your Spiritual Compass to its True North
Ciao Bella’s Love Leadership program combines spiritual life coaching with traditional professional mentorship. Through self-discovery, you learn to recognize your hidden gifts and inner strength.
For some, this leads to a new business venture or empowerment toward entrepreneurship. For others, the journey of self-discovery encompasses a mindfulness of individual freedom and the joy of finding your unique talents and incalculable self worth.
Are you ready to take this life-changing journey? Begin an adventure that awakens your spirit, gives you purpose, and encourages you to shine.
Love Leadership is your individual journey. Heather cannot lead you down the pathways you were meant to take; instead, she gives you the courage, insight, and inspiration to choose the path that pulls your soul. This is your True North.
A Spiritual Life Coach Leads Your Soul to Its Purpose
As a spiritual life coach and talent coach, Heather guides your soul forward using spiritual practices to help you map a journey to find inner harmony, balance, and clarity. The universe and its many pathways open up before each individual; Heather helps you find your pathway using unique spiritual roadmaps to navigate your journey.

Mirror work is a simple and impactful practice focused on positive self-talk. The mirror enables the individual to see their beauty and their potential.
Self-Reflection: See the Potential in You
The journey forward requires each individual to see their potential. Self-reflection is integral in the journey to self-love. As a diamond bounces light off of its facets to create a sparkling spectrum of beauty, each talent and gift carves the facet of the individual that allows them to shine.
Self-reflection encompasses many different exercises and practices. Each individual chooses their own self-reflection exercises. Mirror-work, journaling and even tarot card readings are common and impactful self-reflection practices.
Heather is gifted in tarot card readings. These cards do not foretell the future; they are not divination tools. Instead, they help individuals see the choices and pathways before them. These readings provide guidance, but every individual must choose their own way forward.
Some individuals embark on a physical path to self-reflection. These individuals seek guidance through nature. Wherever they walk–through forests, along the coast line, or even in the backyard–they always take time to see the beauty around them. Through their journey, nature is the living force that inspires them to become their best self.

Journaling helps individuals better understand their goals and dreams. Through writing, ideas take shape, dreams become reality, and major life goals can be detailed into a manageable plan.
A Journey Through Self- Reflection
What is Reiki? Discover this Energy Flow
Reiki healing practices use energy to cleanse and relieve tension, stress and other negativities that cloud the body and the mind. Reiki also helps promote healing. This energy-guided therapy elicits a unique reaction from each individual; some feel an intense emotional response. Heather uses Reiki as another tool to help you find clarity and peace.

Begin Your Love Leadership Journey

Spiritual life coaching is about understanding the unique needs of each individual’s soul, heart, and energy. Your calling is unique. You are unique.
A diamond is one-of-a-kind in its beauty, and the shape and structure of each perfect diamond crystal was formed under stress, under pressure, and under intense heat only to be uncovered as a valuable gem. Your soul is that gem. You are that gem.

What shape will you take? Are you the passionate heart? The grand marquise? The teardrop that morphed from sadness to beauty? Are you the perfectly aligned princess, sparkling brilliantly? Or is your soul the infinite round circle, neverending and always searching? Heather and Ciao Bella Leadership uncover your soul’s shape and potential.
Your Love Leadership transformation begins today!